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What’s Happening Now?

During Phase 2 (Options Selection), the project team have defined the study area, potential constraints, and the route corridor options. Additionally, the project team is also looking into key features and opportunities to create a more attractive user experience.


Information provided at the first public consultation even and comments submitted on the Study Area, the constraints identified, identified key features and opportunities, as well as the route corridor options will be used to inform the development of options during the next phase of the project. Any comments received at the first Public Consultation will be taken on board as part of the Stage 2 detailed appraisal process when refining the options and selecting the Preferred Options. A second public consultation will be held displaying the Emerging Preferred Options prior to finalising the option selection process. The first public consultation will run between the 27th of March 2024 to the 26th of April 2024.

Please see Publications for more information. 

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